Tuesday 28 May 2013

Day out in London

So for my mum's birthday i bought her tickets to see the matinee production of Matilda the musical in London on sunday, so we went up decided to make a day of it.

Matilda was amazing! One of the best musicals i've seen, the story line tied in all the elements of Matilda the film that we love, Miss Honey's troubled past, Miss Trunchball's mean punishments and of course Matilda's wonderful family!

The set
As soon as we left the theatre we downloaded the songs of the musical from itunes and have kept them as our car playlist ever since! Lyrics and music written by Tim Minchin are just perfectly in tune with the whole production, my favourite being "when i grow up" or "miracle".

We also managed to get down to Choccywoccydoodah, indulge in probably too much chocolate, look at all the amazing creations and eat our way into paralysis.